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Friday, June 10, 2011

The List Part 2: REDUX

The pictures taken with my ancient and filthy Blackberry were, in a word, lame.
I've retaken the pictures with Ray's (my paramour) new point-and-shoot Nikon without a flash. Better.

Desk with fading Peonies...
Make-shift Bulletin Board fashioned out of discarded acoustic ceiling tile.
Drawing implement tray.
You can now see the pictures!
Tear sheets from discarded day-timers.
Basket storage for drawing paper and tools.
See Chocolate Bunny.
See Chocolate Bunny get his head bitten off.
Il Telephono.
Io non respondo il Telephono un Sabato.

My sunny atelier is also a guest room...
I took some quick snaps with my ancient Blackberry:

Arranged Furniture CHECK

Fashioned a bulletin board from a found frame and discarded ceiling tile:

Handy clippings for future doodles, an inspirational WSJ expose' on Maira Kalman, a Chinese calendar from San Francisco, tween jewelry samples (the only place I can put them to keep from tangling):

Italian Seed Poster and handy basket for writing tablets...oh, zumba feet and my pile of mags.

Doodle paper and office tools organized in baskets.

My age is now exposed for the world to see.

Peonies on my desk. CHECK!

Santa Barbara always at my side.

Rescued pictures from datebook calendars from years past.....


betsy best-spadaro said...

the blackberry photos have an ambiance, but the new photos taken with the camera of your paramour (i love that word) provide much more detail for those of us who love to peak into artist's creative spaces. your workspace is a work of art!

Judy said...

Ah Toni what a pleasure to take a visual stroll inside your mind & soul. All of it is so you - one word yummy, thanks for sharing