Everyday things can be arranged for happy glimpses of order and beauty.
Juxtaposing everyday objects is an ongoing habit of mine that never ceases to amuse me.
So here is a glimpse of my clutter and piles. I was inspired by one of my favorite blogs,
Here is my desk.
The lovely watercolor is painted by Phyllis Ray.
Book Pile.

One of my favorite books: Tokyo: A Certain Style.
Pristine....I knew when to leave it alone.
I used this back in the day of Ink on Mylar Drafting.
Ancient History.
On top of that is a game of Go.
On top of that is a vessel used in the field and carved by
Ray's grandfather.
Neglected clutter, once arranged but, alas,
it has gotten away from
I delight in the colorful firework boxes from India.

Patron Saint of Architects and Buildings,